Presentation Apps to Practice Anywhere & Own the Room

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There is truly an app for everything, even presentation apps to make you a better public speaker. It is hard to think how an app can make you a better speaker, but these apps are remarkably savvy and help you with one of my favorite things — presentation practice.

I always say proper presentation preparation is the key to being a confident speaker that delivers great presentations. With these presentation apps, you can spice up your practice and rehearsals.

Presentation Slide Apps

The basic presentation apps are your slide apps that allow you to walk through your presentation slides on the go.

Vocal Presentation Apps

Orai rates your vocal clarity, pace, energy, and use of filler words (um, so, like, and you know) by having you read text aloud.

The app will give you tips to improve your speaking such as speaking slower and annunciating words more.

Download Orai at Website | AppStore


Ummo identifies your use of filler words (or crutch words, as I refer to them) by recording and transcribing your speech. It highlights the extra words so you become more aware of using them so you can stop saying them over time. [A warning — once you become aware of how much you use crutch words, you will use them more often before it gets better. Still, try to eliminate using filler words because your pauses give your audience time to think.]

You can also integrate Ummo with your Apple Watch and have it review your speech throughout the day. It will even buzz each time you say a filler word!

Download Ummo at Website | AppStore


PitchPal analyzes your speech, providing you with metrics like pace, clarity, word count, and pauses.

The app even gives you a list of keywords you say frequently and identifies potential themes to make sure you’re staying on topic.

Download PitchPal at AppStore


ProSpeak is three apps wrapped into one with their sections: Vocal Coach, Energy Coach, and Visual Coach. The first feature, Vocal Coach, provides instant feedback to you when you practice by showing you a green light if your volume levels and inflection are good, and the light will change if your volume is too weak or too loud, or if you come across too strong.

The Energy Coach lets you know if you’re using too much, too little, or the right amount of movement and energy during your presentation. And the Visual Coach focuses on your body language by giving you examples of a proper stance.

Download ProSpeak at Website | AppStore | Google Play

Virtual Reality (VR) Presentation Apps

Virtual Orator lets you practice in front of a virtual audience to help overcome any stage fright and so you’re presentation practices don’t feel so flat being in a room by yourself.

You can also record questions and have your team rehearse their answers in front of the audience, or practice how to handle a heckler.

Download Virtual Orator at Website.


VirtualSpeech works with your VR headset so you can practice in a 360°, photo-realistic environment including different sized conference rooms. You can supposedly add in your own rooms, but I haven’t tried that feature yet.

What a great way to feel prepared and be able to “own the room”.

Download VirtualSpeech at Website | AppStore | Google Play | Gear VR (Oculus)


Technology has come a long way, especially with presentation apps. Remember, you don’t need these apps to become a successful presenter These presentation apps are tools to hone your public speaking skills. Try them out and see what presentation apps work best for you and your learning style.

Additional Resources

How Speak Simple Can Help You

Win more work, increasing your billing rate, and prospects coming to you are all results of being an excellent presenter. Erica Olson created Speak Simple to help technical professionals to become comfortable presenting and excel at each presentation, whether a bid presentation or an educational, content marketing presentation. Learn more about Speak Simple’s flagship program is SpeakU, a self-guided presentation training program.

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